
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Super-fast camera can capture the movement of light

Photography is a field that has seen quite a few advancements since the very first camera photo was taken nearly two centuries ago. But nothing is quite as impressive as this high-speed camera developed (no pun intended) at MIT. At 1,000,000,000 (yes, that's one trillion) frames per second, it is so fast that it can actually capture light as it travels. Check it out:

Friday, September 25, 2015

Bernie Sanders supporter can't see the irony in her Facebook post

To be fair, socialists aren't known for their intellectual consistency.

(via Facebook)

Monday, September 14, 2015

British police: 'Turn in your knife, surrender your life.' Or something like that.

Six years ago, I made note of an interesting story from Great Britain about an "anti-stab" knife invented by industrial designer John Cornock. His line of knives, aptly named New Point, was inspired by a report about the life-threatening knife injuries doctors had to deal with every day.

Unfortunately, Mr. Cornock's potentially life-saving design hasn't caught on fast enough. Last year, police in Lancashire took a more drastic approach, starting an amnesty campaign designed to get Brits to turn in their more lethal, pointy knives.

It's a rather simple concept, much like the gun buyback scams perpetrated here in the U.S. Lancashire's law-abiding residents simply deposit their blades into designated "amnesty bins" conveniently located at various police stations across the county, and knife crime magically disappears.

Labour Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw funded this brilliant program. "No-one should live in fear of knives being used in their community," he said (presumably in a snooty, condescending tone), "and I hope anyone in possession of an offensive weapon will use this opportunity to protect both themselves and those around them, by handing it in."

The amnesty program is still in effect, and the Lancashire Constabulary wants to reassure those who might be afraid of knife-wielding maniacs:
Don't be a victim

If you feel you are in immediate danger from knife crime there are a number of steps you can take to protect yourself:
  • Move away from the situation towards a public place (shop, house, restaurant etc.) as quickly as possible.
  • Make as much noise as you can.
  • Instead of carrying a knife, carry a personal alarm.
  • Don't fight back.
And, above all, don't even think about bringing a gun to a knife fight. This is Great Britain. If you want the right to defend yourself, move to America.

Similar programs have since sprouted up all across the U.K. The result? As of this past July, knife crime has gone up for the first time in four years. A 2% rise in all knife offenses has been reported, along with a 13% rise in assaults with a knife. What a shock.

You've got to hand it to our progressive friends across the Pond. They may not be the sharpest knives in the drawer, but they certainly are a persistent lot.

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Adorable BB-8 droid from 'The Force Awakens' is now available to own

For $149.99, you can take home the adorable BB-8 droid from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It's remote-controlled and interacts with your smart phone. "But for all the added bells and whistles," we are told, "the BB-8's primary directive is really just to be a ball of cuteness." And that it is.

Amost as cool as the Millennium Falcon drone.

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Man saves ribs from apartment fire

We've all thought about it at one time or another: If there was a fire, what would I save?

Robert Wright, of Fresno, made sure to save his ribs. After he saved his kids, of course.

I'm really hoping this interview gets "songified"!

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Inconceivable one-star reviews of 'The Princess Bride'

I never understood how The Princess Bride, one of the best movies ever made, could wind up with a rating of only 8.2 on IMDB. It even has several one-star reviews. I can only surmise that these people were mostly dead when watching it.

Here are several excerpts, bad spelling and all:

Sexist pile of garbage - posted by mthessian
Hated the Princess Bride. It is a sexist pile of garbage.

Terrible - posted by markb80
Not remotely funny, at least not intentionally. The only part that had me and my g/f laughing was the part where they encounter the rats. They looked so bad it was amusing.

It brought a smile to my face....WHEN THE CREDITS BEGAN TO ROLL!!! - posted by batpickle
Can anyone explain to me anything about this movie that is mildly amusing, Wallace Shawn is so annoying, the dialog is replete with stinkyocity and the story is so simplistic a baby would be bored! Now there is nothing offensive about the movie but I will bet you my kids would hate this but I may never know because I can't bare sitting through it again.

My six year old puts on better shows than this in the back yard. - posted by helgabono
Scores highly on the sphincter clencher scale. I was also surprised that Peter Falk would lend his talent to a production of this caliber. Maybe he was in need of money, who knows. Anyway, a waste of my money (I was foolish enough to buy the DVD) and of my time.

A Load of Puke Bile - posted by britishdame7001
This movie is nothing but a load of boring, contrived, clichéd, CRAP!! No originality whatsoever. AND don't get me started on the acting!!!! This has to be the worst acting I've seen in my life....totally laughable and amateurish to say the least.

a blend of blandness and bloodiness - posted by buliabyak
It's outright disgusting. The torture scene alone is enough to get this movie banned from my family video library. It's so senselessly, meaninglessly cruel that I couldn't watch it myself, let alone show to my kids. The sick obsession with bloody vengeance ("Prepare to die! Prepare to die! Prepare to die! Prepare to die!" ad infinitum) is immoral almost to the point of absurdity.

Inconceivable! I can't believe I just used that joke. - posted by Saphire Alcehmy
This film fails as a fantasy by being predictable, fails as a comedy by not being funny, has awful effects, and boring, uninteresting characters. They're all flat, I knew nothing about them at the end of the film beyond 'He's really tall, they're in love, he's a idiot and he's Spanish and wants to avenge his father.'

Completely overrated rubbish - posted by TheConsigliere
I felt it was utter trash. There was very little I could say was even mildly amusing here...Much of Andre's (The Giant) lines were about as effective as he would have been if he'd tried to play a slim, short, well-spoken Englishman
Send in the brute squad! Such people deserve to be thrown into the Pit of Despair!