
Thursday, February 02, 2012

Indonesian twins, separated at birth, meet in Sweden

Fraternal twins Emilie Falk and Lin Backman were born in Indonesia, and somehow ended up separated at an orphanage. Their respective adoptive families got in touch with each other, but, due to the lack of similarities between the girls and discrepancies in the adoption paperwork, didn't realize the girls were sisters. The families eventually lost touch.

When Emilie and Lin reconnected 29 years later, they found they had a lot in common. They lived only 25 miles apart. They are both teachers. They got married on the same day just one year apart. They even danced to the same wedding song: "You and Me" by Lifehouse.

A DNA test they had done last year showed that there is a 99.98 percent chance of them being sisters. They are happy to have found each other and have talked about traveling one day to Indonesia to search for their biological parents.

You can read the full story here.

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