
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rat population explodes around Occupy D.C. camps

The Washington Post reports:
The rat population around the two Occupy D.C. camps at McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza has "exploded" since protesters began their vigil in October, according to Mohammad N. Akhter, the director of the District's Department of Health.

Akhter said in an interview Monday that city health inspectors have seen rats running openly through both camps and spotted numerous new burrows and nests underneath hay-stuffed pallets occupiers are using for beds. Both campsites had working kitchens for weeks until last week, but protesters at McPherson Square voluntarily closed down theirs after health inspectors pointed out unsanitary conditions during an informal monitoring visit.
The question now is whether or not to evict the protesters because of poor sanitation conditions. That's a legitimate concern, but I think a more pressing issue is deciding what to do about the rat problem on Capitol Hill.

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