
Friday, December 16, 2011

90-year-old woman jailed over unsightly property...which isn't all that unsightly

Authorities in Hall County, Georgia, had been fighting Charlene Coburn for 20 years to get her to clean up her property. They have finally won, and the 90-year-old is now serving a 30-day jail sentence for refusing to comply.

Whenever a story like this grabs my attention, I endeavor to learn more. A quick Google search pointed me to, which shows Coburn's name associated with a business known as Coburn Structural Movers. I looked up the address on Google Maps to see just how unsightly and offensive her residence is. Here's Charlene Coburn's property as it looked in September of 2009:

Really? This is what's considered unsightly property in rural Georgia? Given its location, most people driving by probably wouldn't even notice it.

I suspect there's more to this story. Locking up a 90-year-old woman can hardly be considered an act that would protect the public in any way, so my guess is that this had more to do with a bruised ego down at the county courthouse than an unkempt lawn.

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