
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bacon inhaler

From the guys who brought you Bacon Lip Balm and Bacon-Flavored Mmmvelopes comes "the next quantum leap in bacon technology":
We call it BaconAir™, and it's a revolutionary new product that combines the deliciousness of bacon with the unrivaled health benefits of 95% pure Himalayan oxygen. Some of the benefits include:

  • Convenient and Easy to Use
  • Bacon Enters Bloodstream in Seconds
  • No Negative Pork Side Effects
  • No Calories, Fat or Stimulants
  • Non-Prescription ~ Recreational Use Only
  • Maximum Deliciousness
  • Really. Why breathe boring, flavorless air when you can breathe bacon-flavored air?

    (via Now That's Nifty)

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