When I first ran across this report, I thought it would have something to do with some hotshot trying to set the world land speed record for wheelchairs. Nope. From SouthBendTribune.com:

Police initially thought the 911 calls they started receiving were pranks -- until they caught up to the wheelchair after it had stopped and saw an 18-wheeler sticking out the back. The wheelchair's occupant was unhurt and seemed to have a pretty good attitude about the whole ordeal. Sgt. Kathy Morton of the Michigan State Police said, "The man spilled his soda pop, but he wasn't upset."
No word on whether or not the guy in the wheelchair was ticketed for not wearing a seatbelt. I'm hoping the cops decided to cut him some slack.
actually he did have a seatbelt on if you read the full thing on cnn
Yeah. It was supposed to be a joke.
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